Monday, November 20, 2017

2nd Quarter GOALS

My goals for 2nd quarter in ELA are to read more and read at home more frequently. Math is to improve more even in math I’m good I always understand the problem and lessons so all I want to do is improve. Social studies I want to improve on taking more notes so if I ever have a question I don’t have to bother the teacher all I have to do is look back at my notes but I always try to avoid taking notes but I found out that they are one of the most important tool you will ever have. In science I really need to improve because the teacher ms.coalson talks really fast and she says get to to work and I don’t know what to do then I have home work and I don’t understand the homework because she barely explains it. Then comes gym I need to improve in the fitness test but only in sit ups everything else I’m proud of and besides fitness testing there’s sports that I have a good time playing. And in STEAM my goal is to win the builds of two designs and so far I have won one so I’m half way there. So that’s it for my blog post CY@ ©

1 comment:

  1. I think these sound like really good goals to work toward. I look forward to seeing you reach all of these goals. Thank you for sharing your post this week.


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Take this kiss upon the brow! And, in parting from you now, Thus much let me avow-- You are not wrong, who deem             I feel like t...