Friday, December 1, 2017


Hi my name is Mark Cent I am 36 years old my nationality is Hispanic I was born in the Capital of Gotem. My hobbies are Going to to gym and and his talent is he is a black belt in karate 🥋. I am an only child and my parents died from being killed by THE SOAKER. I’m 6”8 and my weight is 240 compared to Lebron James he is 250 pounds. My race is Mexican that’s why my eye color is brown and hair color is brown but because I’m aging I find gray hairs here and there. I like to look like I mean business so when I am going to Starbucks to catch-up on work I wear some to signal to everyone I am important so that’s why I wear a suit or sometimes a button up shirt and cacky pants. My educational background is why I’m a super hero. I specialized in a Medicine Degree and doctors degree so I know a lot about the body and their weak spots and I can tell if some that I fought is injured so I can fly away to save some one else... Ill get to that in a moment. My goal in life is to be the greatest super hero man kind ever knew but that in short terms is to save as many lives as I can with being a doctor and a superhero. What would embarrass this character is if someone had revealed his true identity because he sees himself as a person who has no job so he saves peoples lives and in his doctors live he seems like a nerd and makes so much money because he a nerd. But what they don’t know is he trains every day to become stronger and more stealth his only weakness is he thinks too much about himself. He deals with anger by having a punching bag and he punche

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